Hanging out at Local 627
MMF Photo Collection, #83
Eddie Saunders & Luqman Hamza
MMF Photo Collection, #13-WW (2 of 3)
Ahmad Alaadeen
MMF Photo Collection, #27
Herman Walder (w/ others)
MMF Photo Collection, #174
Duke Samuels (w/ unidentified man)
MMF Photo Collection, #177
Ernie Williams
MMF Photo Collection, #13
Willie Rice w/ his big band
courtesy Kansas City Museum
Jimmy Smith
"Cactus" Charlie Menees Collection
Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson
MMF Photo Collection, #13 (3 of 3)
Eddie Saunders (w/ McFadden Brothers)
MMF Photo Collection, #98
John Coltrane
"Cactus" Charlie Menees Collection
Officials from Locals 627 & 34
MMF Photo Collection, #6
Leon Estelle & Lawrence Wright
James F. Condell Collection
King Alex (Alex Littlejohn)
Grand Emporium Collection
Lawrence Wright & The Outlets
Grand Emporium Collection
Albert Collins
MMF Photo Collection, #485
Tommy & The Derby's
Allan Bell Collection
Marva Whitney
Allan Bell Collection
Bob Wilson Trio
MMF Photo Collection, #151
Larry Cummings (Luqman Hamza)
courtesy Kansas City Museum
Bettye Miller & Milt Abel
MMF Photo Collection, #62-WW
AFM Convention, 1965
MMF Photo Collection, #160
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